Help Us Stop Political Torture In Sweden
Help Us Stop Political Torture In Sweden

VIDEO No. 1 - Video presentation dedicated Human Rights Fighters

Support the Fight Against Ongoing in Real-time Torture in Sweden

Human rights defenders and organizations are urgently called upon to review our case and assist in addressing the ongoing torture situation. For further inquiries, our contact details are available further down on this website. Serious offenses, categorized as torture crimes—including murder, torture, and enforced disappearances—should not be solely investigated by politicians. The evidence in our case demonstrates this. Political involvement risks obscuring the true nature and extent of these issues, potentially leading to the concealment of systematic abuses. It is imperative that such grave concerns are addressed by specialized law enforcement experts. We make a heartfelt plea to human rights organizations to step in, leveraging their expertise to ensure justice and transparency.

Immediate action is imperative to halt the continuous violations against human rights defenders, as delineated in the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders. This action target international organizations and Human Rights Fighters dedicated to assisting and safeguarding human rights defenders whose fundamental rights are infringed upon and who are facing immediate or serious risk.

Sweden's commitment to democratic and rule-of-law principles faces intense scrutiny. Video No. 2 presents undeniable proof of the state's departure from these fundamental values and its violations of international law. The court's ruling and witness accounts from case T3106-18 in Borås District Court further underscore this assertion. The inclusion of threats involving automatic weapons in court records, particularly those communicated to attorneys, highlights the seriousness of the situation. Furthermore, the alleged attempts by Swedish politicians to conceal reported torture crimes within government offices are brought to light in Government decision in case Ju2022/02354 on December 1, 2022, which was reconsidered in Government decision in case Ju2023/01791 on November 16, 2023. In this context, the Swedish parliament, in case no. 2581-2022/23, opted not to initiate political oversight of government decisions that violate fundamental human rights.

Video Overview 

Video No. 1 - Video presentation dedicated Human Rights Fighters: A brief overview of the events.
Video No. 2 - Court Case T3106-18: Witness testimony confirming automatic weapon threats in the courtroom.
Video No. 3 - State's ties with armed criminal networks and evidence manipulation in criminal investigations presented in courtroom.
Video No. 4 - Government's attempts to conceal weapon threats presented in court.
Video No. 5 - Initial overview of the state's collaboration with criminal networks.
Video No. 6 - High-Level Politicians Concealing Stolen Tax Money Financing Drug Lords and Cocaine Cartels: Unveiling the Scandal.
Video No. 7 - In-Depth Background: Courtroom Gun Threats, Assaults, and Their Connection to Tax Money Thefts.
Video No. 8 - Video show details and Unveiling the Government-Sanctioned Money Laundering Scandal: How Criminal Organizations Exploit the Tax Office for Systematic Money Laundering Crimes.Government Hide Chancellor of Justice's Crimes in Case T3106-18 Involving Automatic Weapon Threats in decision Ju 2022/02354. Video with english language with detailed explanation of events occur.

VIDEO No. 2 - Video with witness testimony from court in case T3106-18

The Witness testimony confirms weapon threats

Video with authentic recording from the main hearing of case no. T3106-18 at Borås District Court, an audio file provided by the court. In the audio recording from the main hearing of case no. T3106-18 at Borås District Court, testimonies are presented that detail how state actors threatened lawyers and victims of torture with automatic weapons. These threats are communicated to the lawyer in the trial protocol in a situation where state actors have meetings with gang criminals who are carrying physical weapons. State actors have documented the threats as pronounced by the gang criminals. The reason that physical weapons were present during the meeting between the representatives of the authorities and the gang criminals is due to circumstances when an interrogation leader contacts the police, and this sequence of events is recorded in the notes of a criminal investigation. 

Chancellor of Justice involvement in torture crimes 

The documentation and evidence presented and referred to in the video constitute a public record that outlines the Swedish state's violation of the rule of law, due to the fact that the court in the verdict of case no. T3106-18 in Borås District Court concealed the threats that occurred in the courtroom. There are valid reasons to call the verdict a political judgment, where the court is not independent from political influence.

It is important to understand that in the courtroom, there are two representatives from the Chancellor of Justice who represent the Swedish state, present during the main hearing of the trial. The Chancellor of Justice has thus denied that the state would be responsible for harm in the trial, while at the same time, victims are threatened with automatic weapons in the courtroom. The documented threats in the trial protocol serve as written evidence. Given this, the Chancellor of Justice's participation in the trial demonstrates a potential reckless disregard for acts of torture that were presented to the court as evidence and factual circumstances in the matter. This raises concerns about the Chancellor's possible indifference or involvement in these alleged incidents. Given that the Borås District Court's verdict in case no. T3106-18 omits these threats from its judgment, the Chancellor of Justice's involvement suggests complicity in a premeditated breach of the rule of law. This is especially concerning given that the verdict in the case seems to have a political influence and agenda.

These sequences of events are part of the underlying circumstances leading to the filing of a torture complaint, where the government makes a decision in case Ju2022/02354. The witness testimony confirms that the state threatened to shoot the victim and their family with a Kalashnikov, and that these threats were documented in writing by the state in the court proceedings record, after which the threats were communicated to the victim's lawyer. These events substantiate and prove the existence of state-sponsored torture.

✅ The video features Swedish audio, but subtitles are available in multiple languages. 
A downloadable PDF file is available with a word-for-word printout of the testimony.

Examination of Threats and Misconduct: The Swedish Tax Agency's Involvement with Criminal Elements

Video Content with Specified Timestamps and Witness Interrogation Timeline

00:00 Background: State-communicated weapon threats
00:38 Swedish Tax Agency: Event background
02:01 Swedish Tax Agency questions a gang member about a serious crime
02:26 Agency's acknowledgment: Gang member's intention to unload the magazine
02:56 Quoted: Written threats by the tax office
03:29 Verification: Accurate reproduction of written threats
03:39 Diary note: Kjell possesses weapons
04:15 Diary reference: Interrogation involving intimidation
05:01 Incident: Weapons at the tax office hearing
Query: Kalashnikov's magazine unloading and threat target
06:11 Query: Why Kjell, armed, felt threatened at the meeting
07:02 Discussing: CD recording of Kjell's blackmail attempt
08:06 Classified investigations: Robbery and extortion
09:04 Query: Release of classified criminal investigations
11:18 Missing documents via coercion
12:10 Dual authority search at a single location
14:55 Manipulation: Missing transcripts in criminal probes
16:53 Discovery: Missing transcript in an external investigation
18:56 False document in a preliminary criminal probe
20:30 Investigations at the tax office: Robbery and extortion
22:25 Attorney's plea: Additions to the alleged forged document
23:15 Attorney's plea: Threats in a preliminary investigation
24:20 Tax office's role: Section manager as interrogator's bodyguard
24:36 Known threat to the tax office before the hearing
25:08 Tax office terminology: Section head as "apron bodyguard"
25:24 Context: Documenting threats involving weapons
29:15 Agency statement: Recorded threat wasn't against the Tax Agency
31:23 Money laundering claims leading to false indictments
35:21 Classified probes: Robbery and extortion
36:05 Actions in released criminal investigations
37:50 Understanding pre-trial confidentiality
40:00 Documented threat awareness before the hearing
40:10 Query: Sylva's choice of Heidar as bodyguard for questioning
40:39 Interrogation duration: 1 hour with weapon threats
41:33 Tax office's apprehension about armed interrogation
41:39 Verification: Section head acted as bodyguard
42:00 Warning: Kjell would unload automatic magazine if cornered
42:45 Interruption by Judge: Bodyguard discussions
45:21 Court document: Police aiding in trademark violation
45:40 False pre-trial data: Trademark violation
47:23 Criminal trade value in trademark violation: 500,000 SEK/month 

Help Us Stop Political Torture In Sweden

VIDEO No. 3 - Presentation of the state's collaboration with criminal networks where gang members are armed 

Support the Fight Against Ongoing Torture in Sweden

The video contains a reconstruction of the sequence of events in which criminal gang members are armed with weapons during meetings with state officials from the criminal investigative authority. In such extortion situations, state actors document threats in court protocols and communicate these threats to a lawyer.

State investigative authorities conduct an interrogation in a criminal investigation with an armed criminal extortionist. During this interrogation, the investigative authority records threats and communicates them to the lawyer as well as the crime victim and their family. These threats are officially documented and recorded in court protocols in a Swedish court. After the interrogation, the investigative authorities contact the police because the armed criminal had a weapon on him during the meeting.

The threats aimed to coerce a confession in a criminal accusation from an innocent individual for a crime he did not commit in a case that lasted over 6.5 years in case no. B310-12 at Borås District Court. Such a sequence aligns with the Convention Against Torture's definition of torture. Despite this, the prosecutor charges the extortionist with "attempted extortion," presenting altered evidence from the investigation during the trial. In the trial's main hearing, the extortion victim faces intensified threats, challenging the "attempted" nature of the crime. The systematic extortion, involving substantial funds, is downplayed by the prosecutor.

The video further delves into the extortionist's ties to an international biker gang, using a vehicle for extortion—a fact the prosecutor seeks to hide. A revealing phone call with the prosecutor shows their knowledge of police advice to the victim: to meet the armed extortionist at the biker gang's location. This follows threats against the victim from the extortionist during an official meeting, where threats of firearm violence are documented.

Footage then showcases the real-life extortion encounter, orchestrated by state involvement. The police direct the victim to meet the extortionist, ensuring the return of his vehicle, stationed at the gang's hub.
Included is an authentic recording of a dire extortion incident, where the victim faces recurrent death threats. This severe crime originates from state actions, with the police advising the victim's interaction with the extortionist. Recorded discreetly through a watch camera, this footage offers insight into the decade-long torture-like experiences of victims, leading them to employ bodyguards who face subsequent attacks and fatalities.

Tax Authority and Criminal Networks: An In-depth Investigation

Officials from the Tax Authority are under scrutiny, accused of collaborating with known criminals to exert pressure in extortion situations. It is alleged that these collaborations not only violate the rule of law but also contravene jus cogens and Article 3 of the European Convention.

Key Points:

1. Meetings with Criminals: Tax Authority officials meet a known extortionist, encouraging the escalation of threats and extortion.
2. Weapon at the Meeting: Under pressure, the extortionist presents a weapon in front of Tax Authority officials.
3. Trial Protocol with Weapon Threats: Officials document the threats, written threats of a serious nature that are later handed over to lawyers and the victim.
4. Police Involvement: Police Inspector Marianne Hallabro advises the victim to meet the extortionist, leading to threats and extortion as a consequence.
5. Rigged Trials: During the trial, it is revealed that the charges are based on tampered evidence prepared by the police. Despite this discovery, the prosecutor continues to only charge the extortionist with attempted extortion. However, there is clear evidence suggesting that the crime is rather part of a broader systematic extortion, resulting in a turnover of 2.4 million SEK.
6. Weapon Threats Against Victim in Legal Proceedings in Borås District Court: The Chancellor of Justice denies the state's missteps in case no. T3106-18, even in the face of evidence pointing to the state's collaboration with criminal networks.

Extortion Situation Escalates in Case No. T2944-10 at Borås District Court: When the police fail to address vehicle-related and systemic extortions linked to organized crime, these cases are treated as civil matters. This leads to courtroom scenarios where extortionists hand over vehicle keys, admitting to using the vehicle for extortion with biker gangs. This form of state-level extortion has persisted for over a decade. Such extortion situations involve violent gangs, with cases where victims and their families have been threatened with automatic weapons, as documented in court proceedings. How the prosecutor and police have handled the crime investigation of the vehicle is evident from the video footage that reveals how the state is involved in crimes creating extreme danger for the victims, where two bodyguards have been murdered.

Statement in court protocol on November 2, 2010, in case no. T2944-10 at Borås District Court exposes the extortion situation:
Kjell is called into the room and asked to describe the event. He then emphasizes the following: He and some acquaintances picked up the car from Björn Lundberg and then drove to the motorcycle club. Rivinoja was then asked to retrieve the vehicle from there, which was not done. Kjell states that his acquaintances drove the car to a parking lot in Gothenburg and that the key to the vehicle is with Kjell. Kjell is requested to determine the car's location and to submit the car keys to the court in case Rivinoja does not want to pick them up from Kjell. Kjell then submits the vehicle key to the court on November 12, 2010, accordingly to court protocol  it states "The court has today received a car key submitted by Kjell Ekblad for case T 2944-10".

Download the documentation related to case T2944-10 from the Borås District Court, which provides evidence of how court proceedings are used by the state for extortion purposes (PDF-file 1,02 MB)

Mr. Rivinoja was notably indicted for "aggravated failure to keep accounts" concerning the revenue associated with the 2.4 million SEK he was extorted for. During the legal proceedings, the extortionists menacingly threatened Mr. Rivinoja, his family, and his lawyer with automatic weapons. Yet, these culprits were never prosecuted for the extortion crimes involving the 2.4 million SEK. It's evident that these individuals were keen on committing judicial misconduct to ensure these crimes remained concealed.

✅ The expert opinion from Voxalys reveals tampered evidence in the trial case no. B3359-11. A meticulous forensic legal investigation has been conducted on the police's transcript of the dialogue from a video file that prosecutor presented in Borås District Court case no. B3359-11. The prosecutor's question to the extortionist, Kjell, regarding potential manipulation of the video is corroborated by Kjell's response. The sound and text are inconsistent, indicating that the police's transcription of the dialogue from the video, which was incorporated into the preliminary investigation protocol, forms the foundation for the charges. This is further validated by the expert opinion from Voxalys. Expert assessments from a forensic analysis of speech material, as per the case with Voxalys (reference no. 201401-5), offer compelling evidence supporting the hypothesis that the analyzed speech material originates from the blackmailer "Daniel". The results, marked with the highest confidence level of +4, underscore the improbability of achieving such findings if the counter-hypothesis were accurate. This investigation adheres to the best practice guidelines recommended in forensic phonetics by the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA2) and maintains the confidentiality standards mandated by the assignment. These findings conclusively point to the police's manipulation of the preliminary investigation material, suggesting the fabrication of investigation documents to eliminate evidence of an extortion totaling 2.4 million kronor. This claim gains further credence from the prosecutor's line of questioning directed at the extortionist, probing if he discerned any discrepancies in the video, particularly between the audio and the transcribed text – a transcript that the police incorporated into their criminal investigation. Voxalys AB is a forensic speech and acoustics laboratory that provides consultancy and support services to entities such as the police, judiciary, and businesses in the field of forensic phonetics (legal phonetics). 

Download the expert opinion and related investigation material from Voxalys case 201401-5 in this link (PDF-file 3,3 MB)

✅ The video features Swedish audio, and subtitles are available in multiple languages.

Video Revealing the Hidden Ties: Investigative Authorities' Encounters with Armed Gang Members, Courtroom Extortion, and the Alarming Consequences of State-Driven Investigation Manipulations in Borås District Court case no. B3359-11

Video content with specified timestamps

00:00 Armed Blackmailer Collaborated with Authority Representatives to Extort
00:15 Documented threats involving weapons during a criminal probe.
01:10 Tax Authority reports armed gang member to police after threats during interrogation.
01:51 Police Investigation reveals the extortionist was armed when meeting the interrogator.
02:35 The prosecutor asks the extortionist if he has noticed that the video evidence has been tampered with.
The accused extortionist alleges police manipulated evidence during the investigation, specifically pointing out inconsistencies between the video footage and its corresponding audio, as detailed in the police's transcription within the charge's investigative document.
04:56 The accused blackmailer states that the extortion was much more extensive than the charges indicate.
05:21 Prosecutor questions defendant's 10,000 SEK demand from the victim.
05:23 The accused blackmailer demands 10,000 SEK from the victim during the trial.
06:58 The extortionist demands payment from the victim to cover the tax debt that arose from the systematic extortion of 2.3 million SEK and wants an advance of 10,000 SEK out of the 700,000 SEK.
08:40 Defendant's multiple extortion instances are probed.
09:20 The judge questions the accused extortionist about the frequency of extortions not captured on the video.
09:32 The extortionist states that the extortion is systematic, contrary to the charge which alleges it as an attempt.
09:41 The lawyer addresses the vehicle the extortionist placed at the Bandidos compound.
11:03 Recorded call with prosecutor aware that police urged the victim to meet the extortionist.
12:10 Prosecutor confirms police set up the meeting for the victim to retrieve a vehicle from the Bandidos compound.
12:26 The criminal investigation reveals that the extortionist expected the victim to arrive at the Bandidos compound.
12:56 Authentic video of the extortion situation that arose from the meeting arranged by the police.
13:44 The extortionist Kjell threatens to kill the victim if he not comply to pay money.
15:50 Extortionist links Tax Authority to his company's extorted funds.
19:17 The extortionist describes how the money was channeled through Kjell's company to the mastermind of the extortion ring, Daniel.
19:46 Extortionist dismisses threats from Daniel, only facilitating money transfers under duress.
22:35 Extortionist's threats against the victim.
25:01 Extortionist claims bank officer Henrik handed over the company under threat.
25:31 The extortionist demands 10,000 SEK upfront, citing a tax debt of a million SEK that allegedly stems from the 2.3 million SEK he extorted.
27:18 Extortionist mentions a meeting with Tax Authority officials, where he was armed and coerced into extorting the victim.

Help Us Stop Political Torture In Sweden
Help Us Stop Political Torture In Sweden

VIDEO No. 4 - Weapons Threats presented in Court

Case presentation highlighting the Chancellor of Justice's involvement in a court process where weapon threats were communicated. The video suggests the government's potential complicity in sanctioning torture and money laundering, which could finance terrorism. It also insinuates a motive behind the government's alleged retaliatory actions, as depicted by a family facing extortion and enforced disappearances.

Dive into an in-depth analysis of the Swedish judicial system's handling of weapon threats and the implications on the rule of law. This video provides a comprehensive timeline of events, interviews, and revelations that shed light on the challenges faced by the justice system in Sweden in case in where weapon threats were communicated.

Government officials are accused of deliberately violating jus cogens by using torture in court, which is contrary to Swedish law and Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It is alleged that criminal networks have infiltrated the government level, with the involvement of the Chancellor of Justice. This is particularly the case when Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer, on December 1, 2022, made a decision that the Chancellor of Justice's involvement in criminality, which constitutes torture against individuals, may not be investigated by prosecutors in the government decision in case Ju2022/02354 which was reconsidered in Government decision in case Ju2023/01791 on November 16, 2023.

Sweden's breach in the Borås District Court case T3106-18 contradicts the EU's core values as defined in Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union. This principle is crucial for safeguarding other EU values, including fundamental rights and democracy. For the EU to function effectively, the rule of law must be upheld. This principle is based on effective judicial protection, which requires the independence, quality, and efficiency of national legal systems.

State Violations of Jus Cogens: An Investigation

Note: It's crucial to understand that during a recorded main hearing in Borås District Court (case no. T3106-18), two officials from the Chancellor of Justice were present. The court has attempted to conceal testimony from Heidar Hilmarsson, which highlights potential violations of jus cogens. The court's decision to dismiss the threats as non-compensable is seen as a breach of the rule of law. I urge the public to contact the International Criminal Court (ICC) and refer to the recording, as the state, through the Chancellor of Justice, is allegedly covering up severe crimes at the government level.

Tax Agency's Controversial Actions:

Tax Agency officials met with a notorious criminal linked to a gang network. They allegedly pressured the criminal to escalate an ongoing extortion situation, where a victim was already under duress. The Tax Agency threatened the criminal with prosecution and a lengthy prison sentence unless he intensified the extortion. Faced with this threat, the criminal agreed to escalate the situation. During the meeting, under the Tax Agency's influence, he brandished a weapon. He issued severe threats, which the Tax Agency documented in writing to convey to the victim.

The Tax Agency is thus accused of collaborating with gang criminals, pressuring them to extort victims under threat of violence, or face prosecution themselves. Amid these aggravating circumstances, Police Inspector Marianne Hallabro contacted the victim, urging them to meet the extortionist, who the Tax Agency had threatened with a long prison sentence. In the legal proceedings of Borås District Court case no. T3106-18, the government's oversight body, the Chancellor of Justice, denied any wrongdoing by the state. The court's decision is seen as a breach of the rule of law, allegedly concealing the state's close ties with gang criminals armed during official meetings.

✅ The video features Swedish audio, but subtitles are available in multiple languages.

Video content with specified timestamps - timestamps marked in bold font are relevant for case study

00:00 Introduction
00:11 Questioning Sweden's integrity: Has it become a gangster country?
00:37 Justice Minister's take on crime-fighting and the right's lack of policy.
00:48 A serious complaint about torture and its implications.
02:34 Rise in gang crime despite governmental efforts.
02:50 Evaluating the Justice Minister's efforts and the judiciary's capability.
03:02 Insights from the Security Police's chief analyst.
05:15 The alarming collaboration between the judiciary and criminal networks.
05:16 A decade-long timeline of legal processes and complaints.
05:50 Unveiling state-conducted money laundering.
07:22 A closer look at shrinking investigation times.
07:46 Statistics on the impact of new prosecutorial methods.
09:18 The Economic Crime Authority's reluctance towards parliamentary oversight.
09:30 A concerning rise in deadly violence over a decade.
09:55 Chronicling complaints against the Chancellor of Justice.
10:23 Delving deeper into weapon threats and testimonies.
10:33 A controversial case and its handling by the government.
10:36 Discrepancies in document handling.
11:06 The Ministry of Justice's denial.
11:19 Disputing the receipt of a crucial document.
11:32 Missing documents in a pivotal criminal investigation.
11:37 The mystery of the retired handler.
11:51 Contradictions in the handler's retirement status.
11:57 The handler's involvement in weapon threats.
12:12 The gravity of state weapon threats.
12:47 The Chancellor of Justice's controversial handling of evidence.
13:10 Document that explains in writing how defense attorney in the charge is threatened with weapons.
13:20 A significant robbery and extortion scheme.
13:31 A robber's confession in a criminal investigation that the investigative authorities neglect.
13:49 The approach of how the investigative authorities manipulate in criminal investigations.
14:21 Bias in the prosecutorial system.
14:55 The Chancellor of Justice's questionable actions.
15:16 Account where police and prosecutor take action to prevent investigation of crime.
15:46 State-sanctioned abuses and denials.
16:16 State abuses manifest in repeated knife attacks, with the Chancellor of Justice denying responsibility.
16:47 Weapon threats and their implications on the rule of law.
16:50 A controversial verdict that violates the principle of the rule of law (Download Available).
17:46 The potential consequences of unchecked abuses.
18:22 A breakdown of the Chancellor of Justice's expenses in a landmark case 

VIDEO No. 5 - Early presentation of the state's collaboration with criminal networks 

Support the Fight Against Ongoing Torture in Sweden

A video from March 6, 2014, on YouTube unveils a distressing and continuous blackmail episode causing immense pain for the victims. Description sourced from the YouTube channel and compiled by the Humanhabit Investigation Unit.

Background of the video: A company owned by a crime victim is being blackmailed and hijacked by robbers. The brand "Humanhabit" has been subjected to severe blackmail, and under threats of violence, its internet domains controlled by Henrik were forcibly transferred to the company Lyson AB. See video timestamps 20:15-20:25 for evidence.

Authentic footage shows a prosecutor, who will face charges in Borås District Court (case no. B1030-18) in spring 2018, accused of grave misconduct. The prosecutor deliberately launched a false/unwarranted case against the blackmailed victim shown in the video. For over six years, evidence and circumstances were concealed, hiding the fact that the blackmail amounted to 2.4 million kronor. Despite knowing these facts, the prosecutor charged the victim for severe accounting fraud linked to the criminal blackmail amount. In reality, the blackmailer should bear the accounting responsibility in such a situation. This was a deliberate ploy where Deputy Chief Prosecutor Ove Jäverfelt, in collaboration with Police Inspector Mikael Söderman, aided the competing business interests of Lyson AB. The case was later handed to prosecutor Jonatan Meyer, who initiated proceedings based on incomplete investigations, violating Article 6 of the European Convention and constituting professional misconduct. Evidence suggests that the police and prosecutor's office manipulated or overlooked evidence in criminal investigations involving armed robbery and blackmail.

This legal scandal, unparalleled in Swedish legal history, will likely result in prolonged legal actions against the state due to a filed lawsuit. Deputy Chief Prosecutor Ove Jäverfelt manipulated investigation materials, leading Borås District Court to issue verdicts based on manipulated evidence. The courts thus failed to uphold basic legal safety.

Excerpt from the lawsuit against the state via the law firm Aldo in case no. T3106-18 in Borås District Court

The prosecutor possessed evidence indicating A.R. wasn't the legitimate representative for Human Habit Ltd. 
A dictaphone recording from crime investigation no. 1400-K125103-10 reveals that A.R. company was extorted by two men, Daniel and Thomas, from 2008 to 2010. Blackmailers forced A.R. to distribute specific products from his company, with payments first going to Kjell's firm before reaching the main culprits in the extortion scheme. Due to these dealings, Kjell faced tax liabilities, which A.R. was coerced to settle under threats.

Kjell's earlier criminal records include convictions for accounting fraud and tax evasion on January 9, 2013, and later for attempted blackmail on November 22, 2013. Recordings pinpoint Kjell's company's role in the extortion. For his safety, A.R. had to funnel funds via Kjell's business, which subsequently redirected them to Daniel and Thomas. Kjell's management implied he represented Human Habit Ltd from October 1, 2009, to December 31, 2011. This was known to the prosecutor by December 12, 2013. The Tax Agency's crime investigation with Reference EB 164-11 notes Kjell's firm revenues at 2.4 million SEK, consistent with the blackmail sum. The mentioned recording, with its transcript, supports these claims and is annexed to the lawsuit.

The expert opinion from Voxalys reveals tampered evidence in the trial case no. B3359-11. A meticulous forensic legal investigation has been conducted on the police's transcript of the dialogue from a video file that prosecutor presented in Borås District Court case no. B3359-11. The prosecutor's question to the extortionist, Kjell, regarding potential manipulation of the video is corroborated by Kjell's response. The sound and text are inconsistent, indicating that the police's transcription of the dialogue from the video, which was incorporated into the preliminary investigation protocol, forms the foundation for the charges. This is further validated by the expert opinion from Voxalys. Expert assessments from a forensic analysis of speech material, as per the case with Voxalys (reference no. 201401-5), offer compelling evidence supporting the hypothesis that the analyzed speech material originates from the blackmailer "Daniel". The results, marked with the highest confidence level of +4, underscore the improbability of achieving such findings if the counter-hypothesis were accurate. This investigation adheres to the best practice guidelines recommended in forensic phonetics by the International Association for Forensic Phonetics and Acoustics (IAFPA2) and maintains the confidentiality standards mandated by the assignment. These findings conclusively point to the police's manipulation of the preliminary investigation material, suggesting the fabrication of investigation documents to eliminate evidence of an extortion totaling 2.4 million kronor. This claim gains further credence from the prosecutor's line of questioning directed at the extortionist, probing if he discerned any discrepancies in the video, particularly between the audio and the transcribed text – a transcript that the police incorporated into their criminal investigation. Voxalys AB is a forensic speech and acoustics laboratory that provides consultancy and support services to entities such as the police, judiciary, and businesses in the field of forensic phonetics (legal phonetics).

Download the expert opinion and related investigation material from Voxalys case 201401-5 in this link (PDF-file 3,3 MB)

Mr. Rivinoja was notably indicted for "aggravated failure to keep accounts" concerning the revenue associated with the 2.4 million SEK he was extorted for. During the legal proceedings, the extortionists menacingly threatened Mr. Rivinoja, his family, and his lawyer with automatic weapons. Yet, these culprits were never prosecuted for the extortion crimes involving the 2.4 million SEK. It's evident that these individuals were keen on committing judicial misconduct to ensure these crimes remained concealed.

Compiled by Humanhabit Investigation Unit.

✅ The video contains Swedish audio and lacks subtitles.
✅ Video presentation no. 3 offers subtitles for this same content from timestamp 12:53

The video's date is displayed on YouTube to illustrate that victims have endured state-sanctioned torture for a period exceeding 10 years.

VIDEO No. 6 - Swedish Policies Enable Systematic Money Laundering and Redirect Tax Funds to Cocaine Cartels

Government Involvement in Stolen Tax Money: A Major Concern for All Stakeholders, High-Level Politicians Involved in Stolen Tax Money: A Pervasive Concern for Swedish Taxpayers

Swedish government policies seem to have intentionally directed tax funds towards cocaine cartels, a deeply troubling revelation. For over a decade, Swedish and international banks have struggled to monitor ongoing money laundering operations. Even more alarming are signs of the Tax Agency's involvement in approving these illegal financial flows with payouts of tax funds through crimes that legitimize the scheme and hinder money laundering checks. From the perspective of the cocaine cartels, this ensures hassle-free payment settlements. The disclosure of ties between the Government Office and these cartels amplifies these concerns. It presents the frightening possibility that taxpayer contributions could directly subsidize cocaine deals. Such scenarios are profoundly distressing for every taxpayer who is strongly opposed to any association with drug trafficking.
Public documents, particularly Gunnar Strömmer's decision in case Ju2022/02354 and the Parliamentary Office's case dnr 2581-2022/23, support this conclusion. It's implausible that this criminal activity, where tax money has been stolen for over a decade and laundered in business operations, could persist without political backing. To comprehend the intricacies of the Government Office's case Ju2022/02354 and the Parliamentary Office's case dnr 2581-2022/23, it's crucial to recognize the complex ties between gang criminals, authorities, and the Tax Agency. The documentation unveils a disturbing pattern: for over a decade, gang criminals have collaborated with the Tax Agency to steal tax money, which is subsequently laundered to finance drug operations and other illicit activities. This seemingly legitimate process of the Tax Agency's payouts poses a significant challenge for banks. They struggle to identify and counteract suspected money laundering flows, especially when companies intentionally distort their financial statements to steal tax money.

The Tax Agency's conscious transfer of these stolen funds 116051,87 SEK to criminal entities raises serious questions about the integrity of top-tier politicians and erodes public trust. Embezzled tax revenue and proceeds from various criminal activities are laundered and subsequently employed by organized criminal syndicates to acquire narcotics from cocaine cartels, fund the procurement of weapons, and potentially support acts of terrorism, all while operating under the cover of political approval and concealment.
If a government official at the Swedish Tax Agency, a prosecutor at the Economic Crime Authority, a police officer, a politician, or a minister is involved in or promotes embezzlement from their principal and employer, the Swedish state, there is only one option: immediate and unconditional dismissal from their position, along with accountability and prosecution for the criminal actions! No other options available!

Evidence, notably Gunnar Strömmer's decision in case Ju2022/02354, emphasizes the severity of the situation. Gang criminals have threatened the Tax Agency with automatic weapons, documented in court protocols, aiming to silence whistleblowers inside the courtroom with automatic weapon threats! On August 28, 2023, the Government Office sidestepped these money laundering concerns during a press briefing. That same day, Spanish police reported a significant cocaine seizure in "Operation Nano." The cocaine packages bore the Swedish Government Office's official logo, indicating the drugs were destined for Sweden. According to Spanish police, the logo identifies which criminal gang was to receive the cocaine shipment. This suggests that politicians may be receiving bribes from gang criminals controlling large-scale cocaine imports, with bribes being paid out once the cocaine is sold in cities like Stockholm.
Criminal organizations fiercely vie for control of cocaine distribution, resulting in violent conflicts. This violence spills onto our streets, with rising incidents of murder and other violent acts stemming from these drug-related disputes. The Swedish government's policies have inadvertently facilitated widespread money laundering in various businesses. The prosecutor overseeing these crimes, which involve threats with automatic weapons and even corporate takeovers, publicly disclosed accomplices during a radio interview. These criminal activities have been ongoing since 2008, as politicians hide these crimes raising questions about the scale of criminal turnover, likely amounting to hundreds of billion dollars, funding a organized crime syndicate with reputation have a involvement in a large scale cocaine operations, crimes as detailed in Video Presentation #4, starting at 5:15.

In this case never forget it is also police reports concern armed robbery and systematic extortion 2,4 Million SEK Case no. T3106-18 details a series of crimes, including the murder of two bodyguards, attempted murder of another bodyguard, assault on a bodyguard, armed robbery, extortion, repeated knife attacks, and kidnapping, all within government and parliament cases. Below PDF-file ONLY list the less violent crimes such as tax and accounting crimes occur with tax employee involvement, migrated in same case with listed violent crimes and automatic weapon threats occur in all related court processes.

The harm this inflicts on competing businesses is evident, as they are unable to compete on a level playing field, given that criminal entrepreneurs undercut prices on goods sold with the aim of gaining market dominance and increasing the proceeds from this criminal activity. In a distressing scenario where the rightful owner of the Humanhabit concept has generated sales exceeding 100 million SEK in Sweden, with 30-50 million dedicated to investigation and security costs, including bodyguards and other security measures. This is in addition to royalties amounting to 16 million USD from stolen intellectual property. Criminal organizations have ruthlessly exploited these assets to maximize their profits through illicit activities. Humanhabit Corporation's tangible assets and intellectual property, which encompass well-established trademarks like Humanhabit, Speedstarter Ballast Technology, inventory, prototype development, and patent prototypes, are owned by Swedish and American entities. Regrettably, these valuable assets have fallen victim to armed robberies and extortion, resulting in significant losses in business opportunities and damages spanning multiple countries. This unfortunate situation has transpired in an environment where tax authorities have inadvertently funneled taxpayer funds into this organized criminal operation.

Video No. 7 - Silent Victims: Exposing State-Sanctioned Terrorism and High-Level Corruption, Where Taxpayer Money Is Systematically Stolen by Organized Criminal Gangs, with Government with decision Ju2022/02354 Attempting to Conceal the Thefts of Tax Money

In-Depth Background: Courtroom Gun Threats, Assaults, and Their Connection to Tax Money Thefts, Along with Links to the Government, Where Politicians Attempt to Conceal System-Threatening Crimes Occurring in the Chancellor of Justice's Exercise of Power.

Video no. 8 show details and Unveiling the Government-Sanctioned Money Laundering Scandal: How Criminal Organizations Exploit the Tax Office for Systematic Money Laundering Crimes.

In-Depth Background: Courtroom Gun Threats, Assaults, and Their Connection to Tax Money Thefts by Organized Criminal Gangs, with the Government's Decision Ju2022/02354 Attempting to Conceal the Theft of Tax Money. In This Situation, Politicians Seek to Conceal System-Threatening Crimes Occurring in the Chancellor of Justice's Exercise of Power. English speaking video.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Humanhabit's efforts as Human Rights Defenders began when we posted material as a video blog on our YouTube channel in 2022. The retaliation was immediate, with the murder of bodyguards, assaults with knife attacks, extortion, and the enforced disappearance of family members ahead of Gunnar Strömmer's government decision on December 1, 2022. Urgent action is crucial to stop the ongoing violations against human rights defenders, as outlined in the EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders. This action involves reaching out to international organizations and Human Rights Fighters dedicated to helping and protecting human rights defenders whose fundamental rights are violated and who are in immediate or serious danger. Human rights defenders and organizations are encouraged to review our case and provide assistance to end the ongoing torture situation. Our contact details are provided below on the website. Please support our case to put an end to these violations of basic human rights!

The accuracy of the information presented on this website can be verified through the principle of public access in Sweden. Documents from the government offices in case Ju2022/02354 are public records and can be requested by the general public. On November 16, 2023, Government Decision in case Ju2023/01791 revisited the decision made on December 1, 2022. Court documents from Borås District Court case number T3106-18 are also public records and can be requested by the general public. These documents are compiled into PDF files which can be downloaded from this website as evidence for the claims presented. The Government Offices, specifically the Ministry of Justice, can be contacted for inquiries regarding of public documents, including case files and journal sheets, in case Ju2022/02354 and Ju2023/01791 via email at 

If you wish to request a public document from the Parliamentary Administration's registry, please contact the registrar. For questions regarding the parliament's documents in case no. 2581-2022/23, contact the Parliament Information Service via e-mail at 

For inquiries regarding public documents, including the verdict, case appendices, and journal sheets from case number B310-12 or case number T3106-18, one can reach out to the Borås District Court via email at

Borås District Court can be reached via the contact details provided on their website, via below link

The Government Offices of Sweden can be reached via the contact details provided on their website, via below link

The Swedish Riksdag, parliament can be reached via the contact details provided on their website, via below link

Contact details for the website's responsible publisher can be found at the bottom of the webpage. Journalists and human rights organizations are always warmly welcomed to contact me in either English or Swedish. It is crucial to bring international attention to the ongoing real-time torture in Sweden to ensure these heinous crimes are halted immediately.

Swedish Parliament's Committee on the Constitution to Probe Systematic Torture and Enforced Disappearance Allegations: Following the Justice Minister's Ju2022/02354 decision, a police report was filed. On July 27, 2023, for case AMR-3851-23, the Prosecutor General directed the Swedish Parliament's Committee on the Constitution to investigate allegations of torture and enforced disappearance against Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer, under parliament case 2581-2022/23. This decision implies that only Swedish politicians at the government and parliamentary levels will handle the processing of murder victims and torture victims in criminal investigations, a procedure prohibited by the Swedish constitution. In Sweden, victims of torture, particularly entrepreneurs, find themselves ensnared in a web of criminal activities, with disturbing indications of the state's judicial system's complicity or negligence. Here's a detailed overview:

1. Collusion with Organized Crime: The judicial system of the state exhibits alarming signs of cooperation with prominent organized crime syndicates. Entrepreneurs, notably, bear the brunt of this unholy alliance, consistently facing systematic extortion. This intimidation often comes with the added threat of armed assault or robbery. In this specific instance, illicit gains and money laundering activities amount to over 25 million US dollars. Such substantial criminal proceeds risk funding terrorist operations, flagrantly violating international anti-money laundering statutes.

2. Prosecutorial Misdirection: Rather than addressing and prosecuting the evident acts of extortion, the state's machinery turns its focus on the victims, with entrepreneurs frequently being charged with accounting malpractices.

3. Threats During Legal Proceedings: Extortionists openly and continually threaten victims during the legal proceedings. These threats, often backed by automatic weapons, have been documented in official court records.

4. Violence in the Courtroom: The threats faced by victims are not just of a psychological nature. Direct physical attacks, especially knife assaults, have transpired during legal proceedings, placing victims in immediate danger. When the state was sued in case number T3106-18 in Borås District Court, written evidence was presented showing that state actors from the police authority and the prosecutor's office were directly involved in these legal abuses. Despite this compelling evidence, the Chancellor of Justice denied responsibility for the harm in the court.

5. Need for Private Security: Given the escalating threats, entrepreneurs have been compelled to hire bodyguards for personal protection. Tragically, these bodyguards are not only subjected to grave danger, suffering lifelong injuries from severe assaults, but in two cases, they have faced fatal consequences. Despite reports being filed regarding the murder of these bodyguards, investigative authorities have consistently refused to take action.

6. Police och Prosecutor Inaction: As the primary safeguard against such threats, the police and prosecutor have intentionally shown a deeply concerning reluctance or inability to investigate and counter this extensive criminal activity. These circumstances were substantiated with written evidence in case number T3106-18 at the Borås District Court. There, police and prosecutors seem to collaborate with gang criminals by manipulating criminal investigations, leading to legal abuses against victims in the judicial processes.

7. State Denial of Responsibility: When victims seek legal redress against the state for the blatant violation of their rights, the state, typically through the Chancellor of Justice, denies responsibility.

8. Extended Legal Battles: Victims and their families aren't only grappling with current threats. They've been embroiled in these harrowing legal battles for almost a decade, with the danger never far away.

9. Assaults Outside the Courtroom: The violence isn't restricted to courtrooms or public spaces. In one chilling instance, a torture victim's family faced a knife assault within the confines of their home.

10. Enforced Disappearance and Kidnapping of Family Members: The depth of the state's threats is profoundly alarming, often materializing as extortion maneuvers carefully coordinated with major governmental actions, especially in the lead-up to the government's resolution on December 1, 2022. In a grim twist, social services, reportedly with involvement from security police, have exploited this hostile climate by kidnapping family members on November 15, 2022. Specifically, children of individuals who have been victims of torture have been targeted in what appears to be a retaliatory measure stemming from torture victims filing reports with social services over concerns of their children being at risk of torture. It's unbearably painful to realize that young children, already victims of harassment and threats, have faced violence and intimidation within the very walls meant to protect them during their formative years. This forced disappearance means that children in these impacted families are robbed of the justice and therapeutic care they direly need to address the trauma and wounds inflicted by torture.

11. Threats to Legal Representatives: The intimidation doesn't stop with the primary victims. The state's antagonistic approach also encompasses the legal representatives of the victims. Several attorneys have withdrawn from proceedings, citing concerns over their personal safety. Given that the Swedish government seems to harbor a political agenda where threatening lawyers with weapons is tolerated, it becomes imperative to seek human rights lawyers beyond Sweden's borders.

In conclusion, this disturbing scenario paints a grim portrait of the rule of law in Sweden, with victims of torture being subjected to a relentless onslaught of threats, legal challenges, and physical violence. The state apparatus, which should ideally be a bulwark against such abuses, appears to be either complicit or negligently indifferent.

Direct Involvement of State Agents: The abduction was reportedly carried out by social services, which are state entities. Their involvement raises immediate concerns about the depth of government involvement or consent in this enforced disappearance.

Connection to High-Level Officials: Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer, responsible for the government's decision on December 1, 2022, in case Ju2022/02354, and the subsequent reconsideration of this decision in case Ju2023/01791 on November 16, 2023. This decision process oversees the security police, which had interactions with the social services investigation concerning the enforced disappearance of Human Rights Fighters' family members as retaliation. This link between high-ranking government officials and the entities directly associated with the disappearance intensifies concerns about potential government complicity. Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer's decision implies that torture crimes directed against the family won't be investigated by prosecutors, despite the Chancellor of Justice's involvement and authority in such torture offenses.

Strategic Timing: The close timing of the disappearance to a significant governmental decision on December 1, 2022, cannot be overlooked. It suggests a possible strategic move related to this decision, further implicating state involvement.

Retaliatory Motive: On July 1, 2022, the father relayed his anxieties to social services regarding the potential torture risks posed to his children. The children's ensuing disappearance is increasingly seen as a direct and intense backlash to his actions, further amplifying speculations of state involvement or acquiescence. This tension is heightened by an incident in which the family was strong-armed into surrendering a vehicle under violent threats in their home, an event that was duly reported to the police on August 31, 2022. Adding to the complexity, the Swedish Security Service is implicated through their establishment of two reports of concern in the social services' investigation documents, where the father is pinpointed as the issue. The approach of social services throughout their investigation raises eyebrows. 
The caseworker found it peculiar that the father did not seek out the extortionist. It's distressing that social services expect the father to approach a reported extortionist in an investigation related to a child welfare concern, as this would not be in the best interest of the children. What's even more baffling is the absence of any official report of concern by social services, despite the children being direct witnesses to violent extortion threats in their home, an incident that stands as a violation of child protection laws in Sweden. Their later disappearance appears to be a direct and severe retaliation for his actions, further suggesting possible state involvement or complicity.

Lack of Transparency and Accountability: The refusal to disclose information about the mother and children's whereabouts or condition, combined with the denial or obfuscation of the disappearance, indicates state complicity or at least an unwillingness to pursue justice.

Systemic Threats: The broader climate of fear, combined with the specific threats and extortion tactics tied to governmental actions, suggests that this enforced disappearance is part of a larger pattern of state-sponsored or state-tolerated human rights violations.

Inadequate Police Response: The police's reported lack of action or hesitancy, especially given the severity of the crime, either indicates systemic inefficiency, lack of interest, or deliberate neglect, implicating the state's role further.

The provided evidence paints a concerning picture of state involvement or consent in the disappearance of the mother and children. The direct links between high-level officials like Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer and the entities involved in the disappearance warrant further scrutiny. Given the gravity of such accusations, an independent and comprehensive investigation, possibly with international oversight, would be necessary to ascertain the depth of government complicity and ensure accountability and justice.

The eradication of witnesses, particularly those who have undergone torture or have first-hand accounts of state-inflicted injustices, can be a strategic move for governments seeking to suppress evidence of their wrongdoing. Below are arguments to support the proposition that a government might have a vested interest in causing the enforced disappearance of such witnesses:

Erosion of Credible Evidence: Witnesses to torture, especially victims, are the most potent sources of credible evidence. Their firsthand accounts and physical scars can be compelling proof. Silencing them helps a government under scrutiny avoid the spotlight, thereby weakening the evidence against them.

Preventing International Sanctions: Countries that are signatories to international human rights treaties could face severe sanctions if found guilty of gross human rights violations. Getting rid of evidence and witnesses can be seen as a way to escape these repercussions.

Maintaining a Favorable Public Image: Reputation is everything. If tales of torture and abuse emerge, the public image of the ruling government can be seriously tainted, both nationally and internationally. By silencing witnesses, the government can control the narrative and maintain an image of stability and righteousness.

Deterrence for Other Potential Whistle blowers: The enforced disappearance of a few can send a clear message to many. It serves as a chilling deterrent for other potential whistle blowers or victims from coming forward with their stories.

Strengthening Autocratic Rule: Authoritarian governments thrive on fear. By making examples out of a few, they can instill fear in the masses, ensuring a subdued and compliant population, less likely to challenge the status quo.

Shielding Perpetrators: Removing witnesses ensures that those responsible for the torture, whether they are low-ranking officers or high-ranking officials, are shielded from investigations and potential prosecution.

The Nexus with the Enforced Disappearance of the Family:
Given the family's experience, their enforced disappearance can be perceived as more than a tragic coincidence. If they had been exposed to or bore witness to acts of torture, their sudden and inexplicable vanishing could be seen in the context of the government's broader strategy to eliminate damning evidence.

Enforced disappearances, especially of witnesses or victims of torture, strike at the heart of justice, transparency, and accountability. The incidents described make a compelling case for an international criminal investigation into human rights abuses, suggesting the potential complicity of key government figures and agencies. The obstruction of inquiries into reported torture offenses by a government minister represents a grievous violation of both human rights and the overriding principles of international law, known as jus cogens norms. This act, in essence, normalizes the use of torture within Sweden. The emphasis on international standards and the invocation of "jus cogens" amplify the severity of the government's alleged actions and the paramount importance of upholding human rights. Given the magnitude of these accusations, it is paramount to emphasize the need for concrete evidence and a rigorous, unbiased investigation. Claims of a government's comprehensive involvement in such breaches demand solid proof to ensure their credibility and validity.

On December 1, 2022, the Swedish government made a decision in case Ju2022/02354. If there's a torture complaint related to the Chancellor of Justice, the government won't take any action. According to Swedish constitutional law, the government should not handle individual cases. This decision not only stops prosecutors from investigating the reported torture crime but also goes against the international principle of "ergo omnes," which dictates an obligation to investigate torture. Not taking action on a reported torture crime is a severe violation and can amount to complicity in torture. Swedish Parliament's Committee on the Constitution to Probe Systematic Torture and Enforced Disappearance Allegations: Following the Justice Minister's Ju2022/02354 decision, a police report was filed. On July 27, 2023, for case AMR-3851-23, the Prosecutor General directed the Swedish Parliament's Committee on the Constitution to investigate allegations of torture and enforced disappearance against Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer, under parliament case 2581-2022/23. This decision implies that only Swedish politicians at the government and parliamentary levels will handle the processing of murder victims and torture victims in criminal investigations, a procedure prohibited by the Swedish constitution. In Sweden, victims of torture, particularly entrepreneurs, find themselves ensnared in a web of criminal activities, with disturbing indications of the state's judicial system's complicity or negligence.

In a torture complaint, the Prosecutor General determined in case AMR-7502-21 that no action was needed. The Prosecutor General clarified that misconduct allegations against the Chancellor of Justice fall under the government's purview. As such, the government can choose whether to start an investigation into such allegations. The Prosecutor General clarified if someone believes that the Chancellor of Justice may have engaged in misconduct, they should report it to the government. Following this, a torture complaint was submitted to the government, leading to their decision on December 1, 2022, in case Ju2022/02354.

The Chancellor of Justice is an agency under the government that oversees public authorities and their officials. The Chancellor of Justice represents the state's interests in lawsuits where the state is sued and provides the government with advice and investigations on legal matters.

Evidence from court records presented in case no. T3106-18 at Borås District Court indicates that the Chancellor of Justice represented the state in a damage compensation case, contesting the state's liability. Despite this, government officials were implicated in extortion and legal misconduct by threatening in written court records to shoot Mr. Rivinoja and his family with a Kalashnikov. A state official testified in the trial acknowledging that threats were made by gang criminals who were armed during meetings with government representatives. These threats were then communicated by the state to Mr. Rivinoja's attorney. During the legal proceedings, despite the presence of a bodyguard, the Rivinoja family was subject to a knife attack in their home. The situation was so threatening that the attorney representing the case withdrew due to fear of retaliation, even after 573,325 SEK had been paid to the law firm. The Chancellor of Justice's complicity in the torture crime arises when the state threatens to shoot Mr. Rivinoja's family with automatic weapons during the trial, and the Chancellor's officials are involved in such legal proceedings.

The Chancellor of Justice is an independent prosecutorial authority in Sweden, responsible for ensuring that public agencies and their staff follow the law. If allegations or evidence of torture or other serious offenses involving Swedish authorities arise, it's the Chancellor of Justice's duty to investigate them. Prosecutors are obligated to press charges when criminal offenses are present. The Chancellor of Justice must prosecute public officials who may have acted unlawfully or improperly. In the case of Human Right defender Mr. Rivinoja, who was threatened by state actors with automatic weapons as documented in court proceedings, the Chancellor of Justice appears complicit in a premeditated act of torture due to willful negligence, as prosecutors failed to fulfill their duty to prosecute. This led to Human Right defender Mr. Rivinoja's complaint of torture being submitted to prosecutorial authority. In relation to this, the government, via Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer, made a decision in case Ju2022/02354 on December 1, 2022, and reconsidered this decision in case Ju2023/01791 on November 16, 2023, wherein prosecutors were prohibited from initiating a criminal investigation.

Due to the sequence of events resulting from the Justice Minister's decision in case Ju2022/02354, a formal police report has been filed. In criminal investigation case no. 0150-K2541-23 on July 27, 2023, the Prosecutor General determined that allegations against Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer, concerning involvement in torture and enforced disappearance, should be investigated by the Swedish Parliament's Committee on the Constitution. This decision implies that only Swedish politicians at the government and parliamentary levels will handle the processing of murder victims and torture victims in criminal investigations, a procedure prohibited by the Swedish constitution. Failure to act upon a legitimate report of torture carries criminal liability for negligence, which is considered complicity in the ongoing act of torture due to inaction. Additionally, protecting the perpetrator is also implicated. In a reported case of torture, an erga omnes obligation applies, meaning the state bears the reverse burden of proof and must demonstrate that the victim was not subjected to torture.

The judgment explicitly documents instances of state-sanctioned threats with automatic weapons during the trial process, wherein the presiding judge disregarded presented evidence in the case.
The judgment in case number T3106-18 at Borås District Court is subject to political influence, compromising the court's independence.

Breach of the rule of law and involvement in actions tantamount to torture during judicial proceedings are egregious violations that may contravene several foundational principles and directives at the EU level.
Presented herein are arguments anchored on EU transgressions related to these infractions:

1. Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union: The Charter upholds the inviolable right to human dignity, encompassing the prohibition against torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article 4). Acts of torture within a judicial context infringe this sacrosanct right.

2. European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR): The European Court of Human Rights, the supervisory body over the ECHR's application, mandates in Article 3 the unambiguous prohibition against torture. Member states are unequivocally bound by the Court's rulings and must actively prevent and rigorously investigate allegations of torture.

3. Judicial Independence and Impartiality: Both the Charter (Article 47) and the ECHR (Article 6) consecrate the right to a fair trial, which presupposes an independent and impartial judiciary.
Courts complicit in or neglectful of torture inherently compromise their integrity and independence.

4. Transparency and Accountability: The rule of law, as underscored by the European Commission, necessitates unequivocal transparency in the actions of public bodies and commensurate accountability. Shielding or tacitly endorsing acts of torture during legal proceedings infringes upon these standards.

5. Copenhagen Criteria: EU accession prerequisites demand countries to have resilient institutions that vouchsafe the rule of law, among other tenets. Torturous practices within a judicial context, coupled with the absence of corrective measures, are antithetical to these criteria, regardless of the duration of EU membership.

6. Infringement Procedures: Transgressions against EU statutes by a member state empower the European Commission to invoke an infringement procedure. Torture and violations of the rule of law can predicate such actions.

7. Economic Repercussions: Persistent and severe flouting of the rule of law could precipitate the invocation of Article 7 of the Treaty on European Union. In dire circumstances, this could culminate in the suspension of a member state's voting privileges within the Council. Moreover, such infractions could erode the confidence vested by other EU members and potential investors, thereby straining economic relations.

8. Judicial Context of Torture: Torture's manifestation spans physical duress to psychological torment, inclusive of threats of harm or fatality. Actions or intimidation designed to coerce confessions, extract information, or simply to menace or chastise epitomize torture. Employing evidence acquired under duress severely undermines justice, as does the act of torture per se.

It is imperative to emphasize that these arguments mandate robust evidentiary substantiation to authenticate any actual infringements or torturous acts within a specific judicial framework. Nevertheless, from a strictly jurisprudential vantage, these encapsulate the pertinent EU-centric tenets and instruments.

International Criminal Court logo

Dedicated information for the International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor's office.

The situation in Sweden, involving allegations of torture, enforced disappearances, and attacks on human rights defenders, potentially activates the International Criminal Court's (ICC) jurisdiction. Key legal points include:
Sweden's Rome Statute membership grants ICC jurisdiction over crimes committed on its soil or by its citizens.
Admissibility hinges on case gravity and national judicial inaction. The ICC Prosecutor can initiate probes independently, evaluating jurisdiction, admissibility, and justice.
Pre-Trial Chamber authorization is required for the Prosecutor to initiate investigations independently.
Such acts could be classified as crimes against humanity, given their systematic nature, underlining the ICC's role in providing international judicial mechanisms where domestic systems fail. Engaging with international legal entities and human rights organizations is crucial for affected individuals, aiming to bring issues to light and initiate ICC proceedings, necessitating detailed legal strategy and global collaboration.

Human Rights Defenders & Families Subjected to Systematic Torture Due to Their Disclosures

Tortured company owner
Mr Rivinoja

The Human Right defender and company's owner endured a decade of harrowing threats, marked by extortion using automatic weapons during legal proceedings. This ordeal was exacerbated by persistent legal violations, including multiple knife attacks. The escalating threats necessitated bodyguards, who were tragically murdered and assaulted.
We need your support now more than ever. Join us in our crucial effort to halt the continuing human rights violations and put an end to this horror.

Tortured boy in Sweden
Boy 13 years old

As the children grow older, unfortunately, they understand their father's fear of attacks and abuse. Their schooling was characterized by protection and bodyguards. The boy, deeply traumatized by state-sanctioned torture, was too afraid to go to school on his own due to fears of assault and kidnapping. The child is missing due to a state-enforced disappearance and, as a result, cannot receive rehabilitation for the psychological torture that has harmed the boy.

Tortured child 8 years old
Girl 8 years old

An innocent child victimized by torture. Her entire childhood was marred by state-sanctioned threats involving automatic weapons, knife attacks at home, and coerced extortion, culminating in a forced disappearance 2 weeks before the government decision in where her father remains unaware of her whereabouts.
When the children have been subjected to a forced disappearance, they cannot receive adequate care for the injuries and trauma caused by torture.

Tortured child
Girl 5 years old

An innocent girl, thrust into a terrifying world where the state even threatens infants with automatic weapons. Every day of her life has been marked by these alarming threats, showcasing the state's unforgivable actions. How can a state, meant to protect its citizens, instead spread such fear leading to kidnapping? We need your support now more than ever. Join us in our crucial effort to halt the continuing human rights violations and put an end to this horror. 


Ale Rivinoja
Hultasjögatan 5, LGH 1001
507 53 Borås


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